Here are Some of my Mini Projects, Have a look at them!

1. Quiz-"How Much You Know Me?"

It is a JavaScript based app which asks some questions about me and gives a rating out of 5 telling how much you know about me?

Go Check it out, Let's See How much you actually know me..!!

The App Source-Code

2. The Banana Talk

It is a JS Based app which takes your english text as input and converts it into the minion language..!!

So all the minion lovers, Go check it out!

The App Source-Code

3. The Emoji-Dictionary!

It is a ReactJS Based app,in which if you enter an emoji, It interprets and tells the meaning behind it.

Keep Smiling like this 😊 & Check it out!

The App Source-Code

4. The Hangman Game

It is a JavaScript Based app,in which you have to guess color name, letter by letter. If you guess it within given chances you win and man is saved else , we loose him!

Come on Save the Man & Check it out!

The App Source-Code

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